“life begins at the end of your comfort zone”
We have all come across this quote at least once in our lives. It is such a cliché but as always, it’s probably a cliché for a reason.
Doing anything meaningful and worthwhile in life takes effort, dedication, time, and overcoming challenges. You will most likely be faced with situations that are waaayyyy outside your comfort zone.
So is it worth it, going through all those uncomfortable moments abso-freaking -lutely.
But you might need a bit more convincing so today I want to take you through what typically keeps you within your comfort zone and hopefully show you all the amazing reasons why you should definitely consider stepping out of it…if you do I promise your life will peak to a whole new level.
So is there anything in life you have been putting off lately, even though deep down you might want it more than anything?
Well, let’s work together and get you that thing your heart desires… READ ON…
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What is keeping you in your comfort zone?
Asking yourself this question can help you identify exactly what is keeping you within your comfort zone. In most cases, the reason will stem from some sort of insecurity or self-limiting belief you hold. Overcoming those is the first step that will help you develop the courage to move outside that paralysing comfort zone.
Remember that staying in your comfort zone doesn’t give you anything new, pushing yourself outside your comfort zone could lead to your dreams coming true.
Overcoming self-limiting thoughts, old beliefs, and old habits is not an easy task but you do not have to get this absolutely perfect. What you need is to tip the scale so that the thing on the other side of your comfort zone has a stronger pull than anything limiting you from going after it.
The forgotten hopes, the burning desires, and the sought-after aspirations are all waiting for you on the other side of your fear or complacency.
Top reasons why people stay in their comfort zone?
Fear of failure
FOF is one of the most common reasons why people hold themselves back from going after the life they want. But you can see failure as just that – a failure, or you can see it as an amazing learning opportunity. It can be the proof you need that you are not good enough or it can be an essential part of your growing and learning and getting ahead in your life.
The choice is yours!
Low self-esteem
Low self-esteem can keep you stuck in life and kill your dreams in the process! It keeps you in your comfort zone. Sometimes you may not even realise it, sometimes you come up with a million excuses s to why staying in your comfort zone is simply the better choice.
But underneath it is – it stems from a lack of confidence.
So often people say that to work through low confidence you should fake it until you make it. However, if you do not address the very root causes of your low self-esteem then your lack of confidence will continue to show up in life.
So be honest with yourself about the root cause of your low self-esteem and take the time to work through it to overcome low self-esteem forever.
Fear of judgment
Fear of judgment is one of the main reasons stopping talented people from moving forward with their goals. In business it can prevent you from getting the visibility you need to make your business successful.
Fear of judgment is a completely normal emotion to have, and we all have moments that crop up.
But the important step is to get to a point where you can push through and keep going despite what others think or might think.
- Refuse to give that kind of power to others.
- Become your own judge
- Accept and even befriend your inner critic
- Switch your perspective
- Speak kindly to yourself
- Remember that you are unique as you are and that is enough
- Make yourself a priority
Having dreams and talking about them is all good and well but it is not enough to follow through and see those dreams becoming a reality. You have to walk the talk to see the results you want. Do not fall into the trap of assuming that something is not working out because it is not your destiny or it is not meant to be for you when you know you have not given it 150% of your effort.
Laziness can be difficult to self-identify. But it is important to face the reality and ask yourself if you have truly made the effort to go after it by taking all the necessary steps and remaining consistent. Did you really give it your all?
When people get into a natural state of laziness, they tend to dream up unrealistic possibilities and depend too much on other people to make things happen.
Define your goals and build the necessary habits s to deliver the results you need.
Lack of purpose
If you are having trouble moving forward consistently then a lack of purpose might be behind it. Staying excited about your goals is vital to pull through on those days when you are having trouble showing up a 100%. But how to get back on track and find your purpose again?
- By making sure your goals and values are aligned
- By setting the right priorities
- By continually taking steps, no matter how small
Complacency is the silent killer! You might think that getting to a point in life where you are comfortable is a good thing.
But if you become too complacent about your current state in life eventually it can leave you feeling trapped in a state of habitual living. Complacency only provides a false sense of security and if you do not remain humble and objective towards the comfort you are in right now, you will not be prepared for any future storms that life throws at you.
You may not react to them in time to make the necessary adjustments in your life.
Keep an objective view of where you are in life and keep pushing your boundaries.

Women who proved failure is the pathway to success.
How to become a confident woman?
How to stop caring what others think?
Why life begins at the end of your comfort zone…
…and why you should start stepping out of it!
Now that you’ve taken the time to think about what might be keeping you stuck in a bubble of comfort let’s explore the many reasons why you should take the plunge and start stepping outside of that comfort zone!
1. Personal growth
Personal growth means living to your fullest potential by continually seeking ways to develop your skills, your knowledge, and your character. It means living your best life, one which is filled with happiness and success.
Personal growth is all about allowing the everyday events in your life to shape you into an even better version of yourself.
However, this is only possible if you take the action and make it your mission to push yourself past your comfort zone. It is only when you move past your comfort zone that you’ll be placing yourself in positions which will allow you to grow.
2. Learn new skills
When you step outside your comfort zone it usually means putting yourself into a new and unknown situation. When you start exploring unfamiliar environments you open the opportunity to learn new things. As you develop new skills, you will gain the courage and confidence which will help you overcome any fear or anxiety. This means next time you will find it that much easier to step outside your comfort zone.
3. Create momentum in your life
Having momentum is all about overcoming the initial resistance you may feel when you are supposed to be starting something and pushing through the task till you reach the goals.
Stepping outside your comfort zone to get started working towards your dream is the perfect way to generate that momentum. Once you overcome the inrail resistance, you will feel empowered to keep going because the next steps will not feel as overwhelming.
4. Eliminate the fear
Sometimes simply the thought of having to step into the uncomfortable is enough to give you the jitters. The anticipation is enough to make you feel sick. But think back to every situation like this you have been in before. What made it better?
By simply starting, you are shifting the focus to the task itself and anyway from any ruminating thoughts. In many cases, you will also realise that all the worst scenarios you envisioned have not happened. That it is not as bad as you anticipated, and that you are well capable of reaching the goal.
In so doing you are eliminating the fear.

5. Self-fulfillment
Having self-fulfillment goes hand in hand with happiness because feeling fulfilled means being satisfied with where you are in life and who you are in life. It means you are living according to your truest self.
Self-fulfillment means you go after all the goals you set out for yourself so you can realise your full potential. Nothing worth having in life comes easy. Therefore, in order to achieve that thing you dream of, you will have to push the boundaries and set outside that comfort zone bubble you might be tempted to stay in.
But trust me – it’ll be worth it!
6. Create impact
Deep down many of us want to create an impact in the world or at least in someone’s life. Helping someone fulfills our need to feel significant as a human. But creating that kind of impact is not an easy task. In most cases, making an impact requires breaking the ground with new ideas or a new way of doing things, or new ways of thinking.
These things take courage!
Because to achieve something outside the boundaries of the norms will require you to step outside the boundaries of the norms!
7. Inspire others
There is nothing more inspirational than seeing someone who was willing to go outside of their comfort zone to achieve that thing that seems so unachievable to many.
Wouldn’t it be amazing to know that something you went ahead and did has inspired others to dream bigger, push harder and go after their dream! Even if it is just one person.
The ability to inspire others is such a wonderful skill to have and will add meaning and purpose to everything that you are doing!
8. Find out your own strengths
Stepping outside your comfort zone is a great way to get to know your strengths. People often talk themselves down and come up with a million excuses as to why they can’t do something or if they try it won’t work. But rarely do they allow themselves the ability to find that out for themselves.
In many cases, they prefer to stay within that comfort zone. It gives them a protective barrier because if they stay in their comfort zone, they have control. They can say I chose not to go after it rather than find out they failed at something.
But they also pass on the opportunity to find out that they can in fact do it, they pass on that opportunity to find out their strengths.
So, take a chance and step outside your comfort zone to build up the portfolio of your strengths.

9. Achieving your dreams
Just imagine for a second what it would be like to be able to achieve everything you have ever dreamed of. Allow that feeling to consume you for a second. What would your life look like? How much more fulfillment and happiness would you have in your life?
All of that is available to you on the other side of your comfort zone!
So, don’t you think it is worth stepping out of it for even a slight chance to have your dream life?
10. Avoid having regrets later in life
There is no worst feeling than getting to the end of your life and having regrets about what you could have done but didn’t. Especially when the reason behind that is nothing more than your own fear. Fear of change or the fear of unknown or the fear that you may not be good enough.
Older people, especially those approaching the end of their life tend to have this kind of clarity as to what was really important in life. In those moments they also realise that their fear of what others think was irrational. They begin to see how irrelevant the people they wanted validation from actually were.
Just remember that next time you are faced with an opportunity that requires you to step outside your comfort zone. Remember that in 20 or 30 or 40 or 50 years’ time those fears may seem completely irrelevant. Nothing and no one is worth you having regrets later in life.
11. Achieve your goals
Apart from making all your dreams come true, achieving your goals is a fantastic way to build trust within yourself. When you set goals and step outside of your comfort zone to work towards them you are validating to yourself that you believe in yourself to get through the challenges. You are telling yourself subconsciously that you feel worthy of them.
And when you do finally achieve them, you build up a portfolio of proof that you are more than capable which will skyrocket your confidence. In instances where you do not, you are learning the valuable lessons you need to improve and achieve what you want next time.
12. Teach you to never give up
When you do step outside that comfort zone and realise that because of that you were able to achieve your dreams, you will remember for the rest of your life to never give you your dreams.
Giving up is easy! But it brings no rewards and many many regrets!
So step outside the comfort zone so you never have to look back on your life and wonder:
What would have happened if I just stuck it out?
On A Final Note.
The quote from Neale Donald Walsch: “life begins at the end of your comfort zone” is such an important life lesson. As humans, we are creatures of habit, and we like comfort. But when that comfort leads to complacency it can start being detrimental and prevent you from living your life to the fullest.
So be one of the people willing to push through anything to get the life you want.
To sum up
Why life begins at the end of your comfort zone….
- Personal growth
- Learn new skills
- Create momentum in your life
- Eliminate the fear
- Self-fulfillment
- Create impact
- Inspire others
- Find out your own strengths
- Achieving your dreams
- Avoid having regrets later in life
- Achieve your goals
- Teach you to never give up