Top female entrepreneur books.
There is so much that comes into play when it comes to building a business and one of the best ways to learn it all is through reading related books. This is why I wanted to compile a list of books that every female entrepreneur should read. The focus is on three areas that many female entrepreneurs might struggle with
- The humble beginning of building a business.
- The personal development needed for long-term success.
- The financial knowledge needed to grow and scale your business and build financial freedom.
This list is a good starting place hopefully helping to inspire, empower and encourage you along your path…
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When it comes to business the best way to learn is through the experience of someone who has done what you are striving to do. Learning from someone who is ahead of you along the journey can bring immense value because not only does it provide the confidence that what you are wanting to achieve is in fact possible, but it also helps you relate.
In the tougher times, where doubt kicks in, where things are taking longer than you hoped for, or when you are feeling like this is not going to work – reading that someone else has faced exactly the same struggles can be the thing you need to keep pushing through. Therefore, many female entrepreneurs end up writing books about their experiences, because they understand that consistency and perseverance in the face of struggles are what separates their success from those who never get there.
Here are a few examples of women who have done just that…

1. How to be an overnight success: making it in business – by Maria Hatzistefanis
How to be an overnight success: making it in business – by Maria Hatzistefanis
Maria is the founder of two very successful and global beauty companies Rodial and Nip+Fab. When she launched her most successful product – snake serum- she was dubbed an overnight success.
However, as per usual, the launch of this product was only the highlight reel visible to the public and few people were aware of the struggles, disappointments, and setbacks Maria faced in order to get to this stage of her business. In this book, Maria discusses the grit and perseverance that are needed to build success and how the idea of overnight success is a myth.
Maria takes you on the journey of starting a business while sharing some of her most valuable tips and most important lessons that will help you achieve success…just maybe not overnight. As with everything worthwhile in life – patience is key!
2. Girl on Fire – by Cara Alwill Leyba
Who would you be if you stopped following *their* rules? What would you create if you had nothing holding you back? – Cara Alwill Leyba
Those two questions nicely sum up the concept behind this book. Cara is the bestselling author of Girl Code which has seen a massive success worldwide and has been translated into 7 different languages [also recommend reading].
With Girl on Fire, Cara takes you a step further on the journey of striving for the things you want the most in life, no matter how out of reach they seem. At the same time, it hopes to encourage women to collaborate rather than compete and the mutual benefit this can bring.
It helps the reader get out of the monotonous societal view of what life should be like and instead, motivate the reader to follow their intuition and find their own journey to happiness. It is intended to empower entrepreneurs to stop waiting for the right time but rather to take control and action, following their intuition to build success and meaning in business.
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3. Thrive – by Arianna Huffington
Arianna Huffington is best known as the founder of Huff Post so it is fair to say that if anyone knows about building s business and achieving success it is her.
In this book, Arianna shares her wisdom about what success means and importantly how society often gets this wrong. Losing yourself to work, working non-stop, and being exhausted is not the definition of success.
Much of the book comes from Arianna’s own experiences of pushing too hard to the point of burnout and complete exhaustion. Ariana echoes the message that there truly is more to life than a big salary, a bigger office, or a bigger house and none of these things should come into your life at the expense of your wellbeing.
She stresses the point that we need to redefine what we view as success in our 24/7 society and stop forgetting what truly defines fulfillment and happiness. Because these two things are the key to long-term success.
4. She means business – by Carrie Green
Carrie Green is the fempreneur behind “The Female Entrepreneur Association” a platform intended to bring together female entrepreneurs and help to turn business ideas into business realities. Carrie also hosts a weekly podcast with the same name “She Means Business” where she shares actionable steps and tips on building successful businesses.
In the book Carrie any self-doubt or mind blocks that might prevent you from going after your dreams of building a business. It will give you that shot of confidence you need to keep going and the courage to pursue what you love.
5. She thinks like a boss – by Jemma Roedel
When starting out a business, the idea that you may need to lead a team of people is so farfetched that skills such as people management and leadership are last on the list. Suddenly the business starts to take off and you are needing to hire more and more people to keep things afloat. At this point, there is rarely time to invest in leadership courses or training. Yet, this is one of the more valuable skills that you can have and can even be the make-or-break factor in your business.
Jemma’s book takes you through the most important skills that will help you become an effective and influential leader, particularly while navigating the male-dominated world. Many women still experience imposter syndrome and the feelings of not being good enough in positions of power, this guide will help you navigate the world of leadership with confidence

Working on your personal development is often an overlooked business strategy. In fact, I think it is too often an overlooked life skill. But change is not easy and it is not comfortable. However, business is a personal growth journey, whether you realise this or not, whether you choose it to be or not. You will grow and it will change you – hopefully for the better. So why not make the conscious choice and take the step towards personal development at the start of the journey.
Here are 5 books with the lessons you need to step into your best self and show up prepared for the entrepreneurial journey.

1. The confidence code – by Katty Kay and Claire Shipman
The confidence code: The science and art of self-assurance – by Katty Kay and Claire Shipman
Starting a business takes some guts, it is not easy, and persevering through the ups and downs, the opinions and judgments of others, and the self-doubt. Many who have embarked on the entrepreneur journey and started a business often reflect on the experience as the biggest personal growth journey they have ever been on. Business means stepping outside your comfort zone, doing the unthinkable, and pushing through self-doubt and imposter syndrome. Having a strong sense of self and a strong foundation of self-belief can make the journey easier.
The confidence code is a book that will help you build that strong confidence foundation – so that the roller coaster drops do not throw you off course. Learn how to push through your limiting thought even when it’s uncomfortable, learn to take risks, learn to avoid perfectionism, and boost your confidence levels with actionable advice and specialist-proven methods.
2. Do it like a woman:…and change the world – by Caroline Criado-Perez
Do it like a woman:…and change the world – by Caroline Criado-Perez
If you ever doubt that you cannot do it…this book is for you. Caroline introduces some of the most influential, courageous, and pioneering women who have done the impossible. Taking you on a journey across the world to meet some of these amazing women to show you that if your why is strong enough if you are guided by the right purpose and you are willing to not give up – no obstacle can get in your way.
3. Freedom seekers: Live more. Worry less. Do what you love. – by Beth Kempton
Freedom seekers: Live more. Worry less. Do what you love. – by Beth Kempton
Sometimes the life we envisage for ourselves ends up being the very thing that suffocates us – as it did in Beth’s case. Career – Marriage – Motherhood – Business these are all the timelines we so desperately seek to tick off as quickly as possible. Yet what happens when you tick all these milestones off and yet you end up feeling trapped living a life that’s not bringing you the fulfillment you hoped for…
After reaching this point, Beth encountered many others who also felt trapped by their circumstance, fears, relationships, or finances. She wrote the book with the hope to help people find fulfillment in life by getting clear on what they want and providing the framework they need to build the life they want and do it with confidence.
4. You are a badass – by Jen Sincero
Many things can get in the way of your business success – but let’s make sure it is not you get in the way of you!
This book by Jen Sincero – a well know success coach – is your how-to guide to overcoming the nagging self-limiting thoughts that can be paralysing and get in the way of success.
Not only that the book is a super entertaining read – Jen lays it out as it is.
Unlike some other self-help books which are filled with lots of fluff before they even get to the point, this book is packed with action-packed advice and exercises to overcome your self-sabotaging beliefs and go after the life you want.
5. Why has nobody told me – by Dr. Julie Smith.
Why has nobody told me – by Dr.Julie Smith.
Dr. Julie Smith is a social media sensation. As a clinical psychologist, she saw how many people are in need of help along with the ups and downs of life, yet how few have the resources and necessary support needed. Her bit size, quick, simple, and actionable advice on her Instagram account went viral proving the very cause that led Dr. Julie to start the page.
The book is a collection of much of the advice she has shared on her channel packed into equally bite-size and easy to implements tips and tricks. It will guide you to become resilient in all areas of your life by helping you to:
– manage anxiety
– deal with criticism
– battle low mood
– build self-confidence
– find motivation
– learn to forgive yourself

When you start a business, you will eventually see money coming in. It could be straight away or somewhere down the line. However, if you do not educate yourself about money and managing your finances both business and personal, the money could disappear as fast as it came in.
Financial education is not something which is ever taught to us and too often we adopt the financial money attitudes of our parents or caregivers. Or blindly following the societal attitudes! However, these are not always the most effective ways of managing finances.
This is why I wanted to stress the importance in investing time into becoming knowledgeable about the effective ways of managing finances so that you can gain control of the money you make and not have money take control of you. These books are some of the most effective starts guides to help you achieve just that.
1. Rich Dad, Poor Dad – by Robert Kiyosaki
This is the #1 personal finance book of all time – even today, 25 years since it was first published. Robert has the ability to make complicated concepts easily accessible to anyone. Throughout he teaches you the lessons he learnt early on in life on how to build wealth so that you can stop exchanging time for money, as even the most “well off” middle class people do.
As take from the blurb:
Rich Dad Poor Dad…
• Explodes the myth that you need to earn a high income to become rich
• Challenges the belief that your house is an asset
• Shows parents why they can’t rely on the school system to teach their kids
about money
• Defines once and for all an asset and a liability
• Teaches you what to teach your kids about money for their future financial
2. The richest man in Babylon – by George S. Clason
The richest man in Babylon – by George S. Clason
Another classic in the world of personal finance – and a definite must read if you want to learn the secrets to acquiring money, keeping money and getting your money to make you even more money. Again, George has the ability to communicate what could quite easily be inaccessible information to most, into simple language with concepts that can be understood by anyone who picks up the book.
So, learn how you can make the most of your business success to enjoy a life of prosperity and ensure that you can grow your business as far as you want.

When you start a business, you will embark on a journey of constant learning. In many ways the level of success and even how quickly you reach the milestones will depend on the efforts you place into educating yourself. And books are an amazing source of information – many who have done what you are striving often feel the passion to tech others how to get there too, all while avoiding some of the roadblocks they might have faced.
So, head to Amazon or your nearest bookstore and start the learning journey today…
Which one will you pick first?