Manifesting is one of those trends that you either love or hate! So which one are you? Let me know in the comments below.
To be perfectly honest, I truly believe that manifesting can be whatever you need it to be so that you can ACHIEVE YOUR GOALS.
There is no quantum physics or pseudo-science involved. You will not magically change the order of the universe.
It does not have to be spiritual if you do not want it to be. I have been manifesting for years now without ever getting into the spiritual side of things and it still works for me. If you’re not into this spiritual thing, that’s fine.
Know that you can still dream big, attract all you want and start living the life of your dreams. So, let’s hope into the post to find out how you can get started!
Get ready and watch your life transform around you ; ).
Manifesting Definition
In its true definition manifesting refers to the idea that if you focus on something, you will attract it into your physical world.
However, in my opinion, it goes a step further.
Shifting your focus to what you really want is the first step in your journey to getting it.
The reason manifesting works is because it allows you to get clear on what it is that you want. When you gain that clarity you can make the right plan, the right decisions, and the right choices to go after it.

Allow yourself to dream big
Allowing yourself to dream big will help you visualise what your life could be like and trust me when I say that this will fill you up with lots of positive feelings. You will gain the motivation and momentum to do everything to make it a reality. You will feel more positive and with a positive outlook you will likely bring in more positive experiences. This is what is sometimes referred to as the law of attraction.
So… manifesting and the law of attraction are not MAGIC as they has often been presented. Instead, they are ways to get you focused to do all that is in YOUR POWER to get what you deserve in life.
Because GIRL you definitely deserve all you want in life.
Believe it and start your manifesting journey….
How to Manifest Your Dreams?
Get clear on what you want
The number one step is definitely getting clear on what you want to manifest.
What is it that is currently missing in your life? What dreams are you yet to achieve?
Be very specific. If it is a relationship then make sure you think about the characteristics and qualities, you are looking for. If it is a dream job then think about what kind of schedule you would want, what you wish to be doing during the day. If it is more income then think about how much you would want and how you wish to make it.
Write it down! This is the first step to you claiming that dream.
Choose your dream with love
Try to be selfless with your choices. Think about how this will benefit other people in your life too. If you get the dream job maybe, you’ll have a better work-life balance. Maybe you’ll have more time for your partner and kids. If it is more money maybe this will help you take your family on holiday?
Extending your dreams to those around you will help to keep you evermore motivated and happier along the journey.
Be realistic
Now I have no doubt that you can achieve everything you want, and you should always dream big. However, if it is a very big dream then it might be helpful to break it up into smaller, more realistic chunks. This way you can focus all your energy and effort on that small goal rather than one big overwhelming idea. This will undoubtedly help you reach the next stage and the next, and help you pull through while minimising the hurdles along the way.
Visualise your goals
Let yourself live in the dream. Take in how you would feel if you were to reach that goal! It feels great, doesn’t it? Hold onto this amazing feeling and get back into the present to start executing an action plan.
Create an action plan

No dream can come true without a solid plan.
Now you know what you want, you’ve written it down, all that is left to do is to find ways to achieve it.
Think about what you can do today, this week, this month, this year to get closer to your dream.
Whenever you are faced with a choice and a decision has to be made, think about whether this choice aligns with your dream life. If not, if it will not serve you, be brave enough to let it go.
Identify and get rid of negative thinking
Get over your abundance blocks!
Sometimes along the way, hurdles will occur. It is not supposed to be easy. You might feel like giving up, you might be criticized or feel unsupported. This is part of the process, and it is important to know this so that you can keep going through those tough times. You will come out stronger.
Sometimes our worst enemy is our own mind. You have to be ready and find ways to break any negative self-talk. Write down the negative thought and challenge them. Are they true? What is the evidence for and evidence against them? This exercise will help you see things from a more balanced perspective.
Be grateful
Acknowledge how much you have accomplished already and how much you already have. Even if you are still in the process of getting all you want in life, there are things you can be grateful for. Your health, your relationships, a roof over your head, the happiness of those close to you, the holiday you took. Appreciate these things.
This way when you strive for your goals, you won’t be operating from a place of desperation, which can lead to bad choice making.
Instead, you will be striving from a place of self-love and happiness.
Create the right habits
Your daily habits matter. They can help you reach your goals.
Habits are daily activities that you do on autopilot. You can have good habits and bad habits.
It is important to identify the bad habits e.g., scrolling down social media, procrastinating, eating too much junk food. These can stop you from reaching your dreams. Once you identify them, create new, better habits. Keep practicing them until they become automated.
Be patient
Patience is key to everything worth having in life. The reason most people do not get what they want in life is that they are usually not patient enough – they settle. They lose hope too quickly and give up.
Do not let this be you!
Learn to be patient while you put in the work and stay consistent, and you will make your dreams a reality.

Trust the process
Have faith that as you work towards your goals, you are getting closer and closer to achieving your dream life. It is difficult to keep going when the accomplishments are not obvious. It’s ok to feel unmotivated when you need to grind consistently without getting anything in return. But remember this is all part of the process.
The people who succeed are the ones who were consistent in the long run and who didn’t give up.
Look for positive in a situation
Every situation has something positive to give. In the worst case, it is a learning experience that will prevent you from making the same mistake twice. Possibly when the stakes are even higher.
Try to look on the bright side of things.
Work on your confidence
Your lack of confidence in your abilities can seriously hold you back. It can prevent you from making the most of your opportunities. Unlike what people think, confidence is a skill. You are not born confident. Confidence is something we develop through our experiences. This is a good thing as it means you can learn and master the skill of confidence. All it takes is some mindset shifting and some changes to your habits. And gaining more experience in the areas of life you want to feel confident in.
Related Posts
To read more about what defines a confident woman and steps on how to become her, have a read of my recent blog post.
Work on your self-esteem
Whereas self-confidence is all about how you feel about your abilities to do a particular task, self-esteem is all about how you view yourself.
So what is your inner voice telling you? Is it your biggest fan or your greatest critic?
Just like with confidence, you can increase your self-worth by small habits. How?
- Show yourself compassion and diminish any self-criticism.
- Use positive affirmations.
- Identify your strengths and remind yourself of them.
- Challenge any negative thoughts – think about what you would say to a friend if she had those same thoughts.
- Do something nice for yourself
- Learn to take compliments
- Celebrate your successes.
If self-esteem is something you struggle with I recommend reading Vex King’s Book:
Good Vibes, Good Life: How Self-Love Is the Key to Unlocking Your Greatness
This book changed my outlook on so many things and it elevated my life. I can not recommend it enough.
If you do not want to buy the book you can follow Vex King on Instagram and get lots of his wisdom for free ;).
Get rid of doubt
You will have moments where you might think “is it even worth it to keep going?”
Moments of doubt are normal so make peace with these thoughts. But do not let them consume you or push you off your track.
Surround yourself with supportive people who believe in you and will help you refocus during those moments. Keep taking action even if you feel it is useless – it is not!
Our words shape our reality so be kind to yourself.
Change ‘is it worth it’ to ‘this is proving more difficult than I thought, but I know I can get through this.’

Become a better you
Self-development is key. If you don’t push the boundaries of who you are, it’ll be difficult for you to get all that you want. Keep learning, keep growing, keep evolving to become an even better version of your former self.
Stay humble
Never lose sight of who you are, your core values, and where you come from. Especially as you achieve more and more in life. Never take advantage of your good fortunes. Life can turn around very quickly. You will always need loyal people by your side to help you though get through the hurdles. Do not become so complacent that you take this for granted.
Surround yourself with the right people

This quote should be taken with a pinch of salt because you are human, and you do have a consciousness and you can make complex decisions. However, it does highlight that the people you share your time with will shape you and will influence you. They can either elevate you or bring you down. You should choose wisely.
Declutter all areas of your life
Yep, be brutal and get rid of anything that does not serve you. Clean your space. Clean space = clarity in your mind. Cut of any toxic relationships. Get rid of bad habits. Cut down on any commitments if they are pulling you away from your goals. Formulate good routines. Plan your days. Get healthy and start exercising. Challenge any negative thoughts to reduce anxiety and to get the best quality sleep.
Be open to receive
Get comfortable with receiving. Welcome every opportunity that presents itself. Be open to people who compliment you and who encourage you. Ask for help when you need it and reach out for guidance from those who already have what you are striving for.

Use the right techniques
To help you put all these tips into practice you will need the right techniques to put them into practice and make them a reality. Here are the manifesting techniques you can try to help you with the process.
Manifesting Techniques
Strategy to work through any abundance blocks.
Simply write down your thought and feelings about anything and everything that is going on in your mind. It can bring you a lot of clarity and help you figure out what makes you happy and what makes you upset. Most importantly, why. Once you know your why, you can tackle these thoughts better.
Journaling prompts to get you started:
- What are you most grateful for today?
- What negative thoughts can you let go of?
- What in your day stressed you out the most?
- How can you relax and de-stress today?
- List three things you love about yourself.
- What made you smile today?
- What challenges did you overcome?
Be grateful for every small step. Acknowledge what you get along the way and what you have in your life.
Gratitude prompts:
- Someone you are glad to have in your life.
- Someone who helps you.
- Something you love to do.
- A small personal win.
- A fear you have overcome.
- Something you have now that you didn’t have a year ago.
- A life lesson you have learned.
- A challenge you have overcome.
To help you with your journaling and gratitude journey, you could try using this journal…
Gratitude (Inner World Series): A Day and Night Reflection Journal
Meditation allows you to refocus and live in the present.

Vision boards
A vision board is an amazing tool to help you imagine and see what our dream future could look like. It can help to clarify and keep focus and what truly matters to you. This way it is easier to go after it and stay motivated. It is a place for all your hopes and dreams.
This is key. Once you’ve done all the work to clarify what you want, start planning for how you will achieve it. Thinking about what you want your dream life to look like is great and you will make the right decisions to get there. However, you need to take action too. Plan your goals, Set your self deadlines, and keep working towards your dreams.
Affirmations are present tense thoughts or statements that you choose to believe. They have amazing power in shifting your mindset and reprogramme the subconscious mind to believe they are a reality.
Here is a list of affirmations every aspiring manifesting Girl Boss should repeat daily.
Manifesting Affirmations
- I am manifesting the life of my dreams.
- I accomplish everything I want in life.
- My life is overflowing with joy.
- When I am happy, I attract good things in my life.
- I am very happy with myself.
- I am confident that everything will work out.
- I am unstoppable as I work towards my goals.
- I accept my setbacks as lessons, not failures.
- I will make good choices today.
- I am constantly creating everything my heart desires.
On a Final Note.
You only get one life and therefore you absolutely deserve to be able to live your dream life.
Manifesting the life, you want is your number one step to getting closer to that dream life. It is not because it will change your vibrations or change the energy around you.
It is because having clearly defined goals will help you visualise that dream life and align your choices, decisions, and daily activities to align with that goal. You will be filled with unbelievable momentum when you realise what could be and you can use all this motivation to go after it. You are in control of your life!
So what are you manifesting?
Which of the above steps will you work on today?
Let me know below.
For more insight into manifesting read this amazing book…
The Power Of Manifesting: Simple Steps And Exercises On How To Visualize And Attract Your Desires.