How to prove people wrong and do the impossible?
Sometimes the people in your life may not always be 100% on board with what you are doing.
There could be many reasons for it. The reasons behind it could be genuine and come from concern or wanting the best for you. Other times, the reasons behind it could have more malicious reasoning behind it. Maybe someone is envious of you, or just does not want to see you thrive.
Separating the real reason behind it, which you will instinctively know, will help you navigate the situation.
However, at the end of the day – no one knows you as well as you know yourself. Only you understand the reason behind your life choices and only you know what it is that will bring you the most fulfillment and happiness.
Despite what others think, going after what you want, no matter how impossible it may seem to you or those around you, is worth the risk always. Especially if there is even the smallest chance that it will bring you closer to a life you want.
So how to prove people wrong? – go after the impossible and keep going till you get there.

Here are the top tips that will help you along the way and prove people wrong, show them what you are made of, do the impossible and make your dreams a reality.
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Three choices when faced with the impossible.
The three choices you have when you are faced with the impossible…. which one will you choose?
PIVOT: Change the dream or goal.
You move your focus onto something else entirely because clearly the task is not possible and there is no point even trying.
QUIT: Try but quickly give up.
You start working towards the goal but give when it becomes too difficult or requires too much effort.
GRIT: Persevere through and through.
You understand that the only way to get to your goal is to stick it out through the challenges and keep moving forward. It is about knowing that the end goal will be worthwhile and enjoying the process meanwhile.

How to prove people wrong and do the impossible?
Know yourself.
When you get to know yourself well you begin to understand your strengths and weaknesses.
Weaknesses – we all have them. But too often our ego prevents us from freely admitting this to ourselves.
However, knowing what they are can help you be better prepared and mitigate some of the challenges that come up.
Knowing yourself well means you can make the most of your strengths and use them to your advantage. On the other hand, it also means you understand your weaknesses and have the awareness of how they may hold you back so that you can improve on them and make the necessary adjustment.
Your pathway to success will be far easier!
Believe in yourself.

It is essential that you start believing that you CAN do it!
Having others believe in you is great but relying on others’ belief in you alone is very fragile. It can be taken away from you as quickly as it is given.
When you believe in yourself, that’s the kind of belief that cannot be easily broken because it comes from the core. This is the kind of belief you should rely on the most.
Start working on building your self-belief and you will find it far easier to keep moving forward with your goals despite what other peoples’ opinions may be.
When you believe in yourself nothing is impossible.
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Accept when you are wrong.
One important and often overlooked tip for getting to where you want to be is to be able to gracefully accept when you are wrong.
Nobody likes the bitter taste of knowing they are wrong or have failed. It sucks. Sometimes it is easier to just deny it, deflect it and look to shift the blame elsewhere.
But owning it and accepting that it has happened will help your long-term strategy and in moving forward.
Accepting you are wrong helps you learn because rather than being stuck in the same place you open up the possibility of learning something completely new.
It is up to you to draw the necessary conclusions and lessons to ensure that you don’t repeat the same mistake again.
This will be one of the key factors to your success.
Show up day after day.

Doing the impossible, whatever that may be for you is no easy feat. Otherwise, everyone would do it.
So how can you ensure that you reach the end goal?
By showing up every day and staying consistent no matter what.
It seems so simple in theory, but it is not always so easy in practice. Otherwise, everyone would do it.
But what truly separates those who do eventually see success, is their perseverance and consistency
It takes moving past your mental resistance – when your subconscious mind is telling you to stop because it’s been too long with little gains. That’s when you remind yourself that CONSISTENCY is the KEY, and you keep moving forward.
At that moment don’t overwhelm your mind with the end goal which seems like a far-fetched idea at this stage. Just think about taking the next small step in that direction.
Over time this will add up.
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Work hard.
Doing the impossible and proving wrong any naysayers in your life will require hard work.
It is not enough for you to simply show up every day. It is also vital to maximize the time that you do have.
People often have the attitude of “oh I only have one hour, is there any point in even starting” – yes there is if you stay focused and use that time to the max.
The time constraint can be a good thing too because the length of the task will expand with the time you assign to it.
In other words, if you were to assign four hours to a task, you’d probably spend four hours doing it. But if you assign one hour, you may well be able to do it in the one.
Work hard in the time that you do have and work hard in general and you will begin to see things coming to fruition.
Show rather than tell.
“Work hard in silence, and let success make the noise”
Let success speak for itself.
When working towards a goal it is very tempting to want to shout it from the top and let everyone know just how awesome you are simply for wanting to go after it. No judgment there because I am so very guilty of that myself. It’s all about getting that initial recognition!
But there is this little theory that states that when you share your ideas and goals with people before you even start making serious moves towards them, you are less likely to achieve them.
Your mind becomes tricked, because people will pat you on the back, cheer for you, congratulate you, tell you your awesome, and your brain will get the dopamine hit it needs. Then it is less likely to keep you motivated to keep going.
When you keep your MOVES SILENT you avoid this trap.
Plus let’s face it when you keep your moves quiet, people will be even more likely to underestimate you. And just imagine how satisfying it would be when your success can no longer be contained.
Keep your goals reasonable.
If you truly want something, there is nothing that should stop you from going after it.
You should allow yourself the freedom to dream big.
However, to make the pathway towards achieving those big dreams that little bit easier, try breaking down the dream into smaller goals.
Motivation towards wanting the goals rally dissipates. More often than not what truly discourages people is the road to getting there.
By breaking down the dream into manageable goals you will not feel overwhelmed by going after it.
Rather than looking at the huge mountain ahead of you, you can simply focus on one small step at a time.
Keeping your goals reasonable will allow you to freely dream big.
Practice resilience.

Practice – because resilience is something you need to consciously work on.
Having resilience is what allows you to get through the tough times without giving up, it allows you to ignore the naysayers, so you keep doing your thing and it allows you to glide towards your goals.
Despite anything that tries to stand in your way.
So, what are some of the quickfire tips you can use to develop resilience?
Here are some examples to get you started:
- Be kind towards yourself
- Recognize your struggles are valid
- Edit your outlook
- Practice thought awareness
- Maintain an objective perspective
- Build your self-confidence
- Find ways to relax
- Nurture yourself
- Build a strong support network
- Embrace change
- Indulge in some self-care
POST: If you would like to read more about how to build your resilience, read my post – “17 ways to build resilience and bounce back from setbacks”
Break through your mental blocks.
Your mental blocks could very well be stopping you from doing what you want to be doing. Or even more so what you should be doing.
There is nothing worse than not achieving your dream simply because your thoughts got in the way.
This kind of thing tends to breed a lot of regret down the line. I definitely don’t want you to ever have to look back and think…
“What if…”
So, break through any mental barriers you may have to ensure that, whatever happens, you allow yourself the chance to go after the things that ignite your heart.
Here are a few simple tips to get you started:
- Control that inner chatter – pay attention to your inner monologue and adjust as necessary. It takes some mental strengths to make the change initially but with time it will become second nature. There will be a simple off switch that you can switch any time the negative inner monologue rears itself.
- Reduce stress – stress is very counterproductive and when operating from a place of stress you will find it difficult to make decisions and your whole outlook will appear far gloomier than it actually is. Find your own unique way to keep stress at bay. It could be as simple as a walk in the park, yoga, exercise, meditation, journaling…whatever works for you.
- Break down difficult or big tasks – this prevents overwhelm and helps you chronologically tackle everything one small step at a time. It’s both satisfying as you get a greater sense of accomplishment, and it will not lead to mental fatigue or mental blocks.
- Do more of what bring you joy – there is more than one way in which you can feel accomplished. Doing something you love and enjoy doing can bring a feeling of accomplishment, which can spread to all other areas of your life. It builds confidence that you can carry with you across your life domains.
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Do it for yourself first and foremost.
This one might seem like the odd one out given the title of the post, but it is an important one to finish.
It can be satisfying to prove people wrong and there is no harm in using that as your motivation.
But you should never let this take over the sole purpose of why you are doing what you are doing!
Everything you do in life, you want to make sure that you do it for yourself and yourself first!
This is the fool-proof way of ensuring that you live a fulfilling, aligned, and happy life.
It also takes some of the pressure off – because when the only audience you care about is you, it is far easier to strive for the goal with full force.
Your main job is to ensure that you are happy with your life, your purpose, and your goals.
If you want something, you owe it to yourself to go after it and see it through.
On a Final Note.
There you go the top tips that will help you along the way and prove people wrong, show them what you are made of, do the impossible and make your dreams a reality.
For a quick-fire summary – here they are:
- Know yourself.
- Believe in yourself.
- Accept when you are wrong.
- Show up day after day.
- Work hard.
- Show rather than tell.
- Keep your goals reasonable.
- Practice resilience.
- Break through your mental blocks.
- Do it for yourself first and foremost.