There are many things that might stand in your way of success, but at any point, you cannot allow it to be YOU! But as is often the case, building a business can bring up our doubts and fears, many of which might hold us back.
Entrepreneurship is freaking hard! I don’t think we acknowledge this enough and we don’t give ourselves enough credit for trying to make it happen!
It is like an ultramarathon with making obstacles along the way.
There are challenges, fears, frustrations, happiness, sadness, despair, self-loathing, self-belief, motivation, joy, procrastination and so much more.
Entrepreneurship brings out the best and the worst in all of us who decide to embark on the journey.
But with all the only way to succeed is to fight through the uncomfortable emotions, be open to discovering yourself, fight back to heal the old wound, and ensure you don’t limit yourself or your success.
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What does “limiting yourself” mean?
Ok in the simplest terms “limiting yourself” refers to the act of imposing restrictions or barriers on your personal or professional growth and potential.
It involves setting boundaries or adopting a mindset that hinders your ability to explore new opportunities, take risks, and reach your full capabilities.
Limiting yourself means putting your goals, dreams, and aspirations, and locking them in a cage, restricting their potential.
It is the act of seriously underestimating your capabilities, your potential, and your worth.
The problem with this is that by doubting your abilities you might be settling for less than you deserve.
This is what we are going to try and fix here with these 11 tips on how to ensure you don’t limit yourself, in your life, and in your business.

How to ensure you don’t limit yourself as a female entrepreneur?
#1 Tell yourself you’re capable and competent.
Now this one is super important! You need to believe in your abilities and embrace the fact that you are capable and competent. It’s time to start believing in your awesomeness!
However, if this is something that feels quite alien to you if you are not used to thinking about yourself with self-love and self-belief, then you’ll find it hard to embrace the confidence that comes with such self-belief.
So, what do you do?
Slowly start changing the narrative. You do not need to fully believe in it just yet, but you do need to start choosing positive words to describe yourself and your capabilities.
It’s time to tell yourself, loud and proud, that you are capable and competent beyond measure. Here’s how:
Step 1: Embrace Your Superpowers – You’ve got a unique set of skills, knowledge, and that special sparkle that sets you apart from the crowd
Step 2: Crush Those Self-Doubts – Replace those negative thoughts with positive affirmations.
Step 3: Confidence Booster Mode: ON – It’s time to turn up the dial on your confidence, babe!
With time you will rewire those negative thinking pathways your brain is so used to, and replace them with a new narrative, that’s more balanced and positive.
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15 Step framework to develop a resilient mindset.
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#2 Believe you are good enough, just as you are.
These two culprits are robbing you of joy along your entrepreneurial journey. Get rid of them!
You need to start embracing the fact that you are already enough! Know that your uniqueness, with your own set of strengths and qualities, is what makes you so special. Don’t let others’ uniqueness cast a shadow on yours. Embrace your individuality and use it to your advantage.
Step 1: Embrace Your Flawsome Self – Embrace every inch of your uniqueness because that’s what sets you apart. Remember, there’s no one else out there quite like you, and that’s your superpower.
Step 2: No More Comparanoia! – Your journey is your own, and it’s incomparable. Don’t waste a second measuring yourself against others. Instead, focus on your own progress, growth, and success.
Step 3: Channel Your Inner Confidence Queen – Time to unleash your confidence with your head held high, radiating that beautiful self-assurance

#3 Create a strong self-image.
Your life will become 1000-fold better when you begin to accept yourself as you are. There is an unbeatable sense of empowerment when you feel comfortable and grounded with yourself.
A strong sense of self will not only impact you personally but it will also your business.
People are drawn to authenticity, and it creates trust and loyalty. When you have a strong self-image rooted in your core values, you build a reputation for integrity and consistency. This earns the respect and admiration of others, establishing you as a leader in your industry.
So enough with the background talk, because I bet, you’re dying to know HOW TO create that unbeatable self-image.
Step 1: Embrace Your Authenticity – no one else in the world is like you and that’s your superpower.
Step 2: Define Your Core Values – ask yourself “What do I stand for?” When you align your thoughts, words, and actions with your core values, you’ll exude an irresistible aura of authenticity and confidence.
Step 6: Radiate Positivity and Gratitude – a positive mindset is not only beneficial for your mental well-being but also for your entrepreneurial journey. When you radiate positivity and gratitude, you attract positive opportunities and like-minded individuals.
#4 Allow yourself to dream big and bigger.
There is no room for being humble – period.
Sometimes the idea of dreaming big might seem scary for a number of reasons. Maybe you are not used to allowing yourself to feel like you deserve it all, and everything you dream of. Or your superstitions get the better of you and you are scared that you will somehow jinx it.
Don’t let these feelings get the better of you.
Whether you think small or big will have no weight on the outcome you get – it’s the accumulation of all your actions that you take.
However, dreaming big, if you allow it, will help to keep you motivated and drive a fire in you that you might not have otherwise felt. That motivation will help you take the necessary steps – even if those individual steps are small.
Top tip
Introducing the concept of – “STRETCH GOALS”
Dreaming big means setting goals that push you outside of your comfort zone. Embrace the thrill of the unknown and set stretch goals that challenge you to grow, learn, and become the best version of yourself. These goals will ignite your passion, fuel your determination, and propel you toward your wildest dreams.
#5 Keep trying and never give up.
Did you know JK Rowling’s Harry Potter got rejected by 12 publishers before it was finally accepted?
Ok, this has become such a cliché example but it’s one that many will relate to – because can you imagine the id J.K Rowling gave up after the first rejection? Can you imagine the world without Harry Potter?
The point is that you gotta be ready to give it your all. There is a reason why in the grand scheme of this so very few succeed and grow a successful business. It’s not always to do with talent or the idea. Sometimes it purely comes down to Consistency.
By staying consistent without giving up, you pave the way to success.
Top tip
Adjust Your Course, Not Your Destination
When faced with obstacles or setbacks, remember to stay focused on your ultimate destination. It’s okay to adjust your course, pivot, and explore new approaches, but never lose sight of your dreams and aspirations. Stay committed to your vision while remaining flexible in your methods. Adaptation is the key to long-term success.

#6 Accept that change is uncomfortable, and that’s okay.
The familiar – there is comfort in that.
Yes, change is uncomfortable but then again how could it not be? Change requires big leaps forwards, it requires those gigantic quantum shifts and for you to step out of your comfort zone.
That takes gut! The change also requires a great deal of effort and energy and time. All of this means that many (I know I’m guilty) avoid change.
But change might just be the thing that will get you to your end goal.
Remember that some of the most remarkable achievements and transformations come from stepping out of your comfort zone and embracing the discomfort that change brings.
But enough how can you go about making a change just that little more comfortable – at least enough for you to make the first step…
Step 1: Embrace the Beauty of Growth
Instead of shying away from change, embrace it as an opportunity for personal and professional growth. For example, if you’re used to traditional marketing methods, challenge yourself to explore digital marketing strategies.
Step 2: Cultivate a Flexible Mindset
When faced with a change, pause and reflect on how you can approach it with flexibility. Let’s say a new competitor enters your market. Instead of feeling threatened, view it as an opportunity to analyze their strategies, identify gaps in the market, and adapt your own offerings accordingly.
Step 3: Embrace the Learning Journey
When confronted with a new technology or industry trend, invest time in learning and mastering it. Suppose you’re unfamiliar with social media platforms. Challenge yourself to create engaging content, experiment with different posting strategies, and analyze the results. As you acquire new skills and knowledge, you position yourself as a knowledgeable expert in your field.
#7 Keep a look out for possibilities.
Possibilities will not always just fall on your doorstep – as nice as that would be.
To ensure you push your limits, you will also have to be proactive about finding new opportunities and possibilities – there is always more to be discovered, achieved, and created.
Looking for new opportunities expands your horizons and broadens your perspective. It exposes you to diverse ideas, cultures, and industries, fostering cross-pollination of knowledge and fresh insights.
By stepping outside your comfort zone, you discover hidden connections, collaborations, and possibilities that may have previously eluded you.
Top tip
Cultivate a Curious Mindset
Develop a curious mindset that constantly seeks new ideas, trends, and possibilities. Stay informed about emerging technologies, industry developments, and consumer preferences. Engage in continuous learning through books, podcasts, industry events, and networking opportunities. Embrace the attitude of a lifelong learner and let curiosity guide you towards exciting possibilities.

#8 Experiment with different approaches.
Once you’ve been running your business for a while you may find that you get stuck in a bit of a cycle of doing certain things a certain way.
As much as that is fine, especially if you are seeing the results that you want, it can close you off to the potential of different approaches.
It takes some conscious effort to reflect and notice when we are running on autopilot. This is why, it is so important to do a self-reflective audit from time to time.
Consciously doing things a different way can help you challenge your existing methods and stimulates fresh thinking. For example, by exploring new approaches, you may discover unmet customer needs or alternative revenue streams.
This is why embracing experimentation can elevate your success.
#9 Try to make decisions from your deathbed – hear me out.
Ok, I know this sounds a bit sinister and dark but hear me out.
You might find that many elderly people or those edging towards the end of life, many have this sense of calmness and clarity as to what truly matters in life.
When we are younger, especially in the society we live in today, it’s difficult to have distance between ourselves and our life. We are encouraged to value material things, power, status, and popularity. The opinion of others especially our friends and family often feel like life or death. Our whole value a
In many ways, while we try to keep up, we don’t always allow ourselves to be truthful to who we are. Instead, we make choices based on what others expect of us.
But if you take a moment and truly ask yourself if you are living the life you want? The life meant for you.
What would you be doing if you knew you could not fail?
Does your current life match this?
Do you think that a 5k promotion will make you happier than taking a leap of faith and starting a business you’ve dreamed of?
When you are 90 years old, which side of the decision do you think you’d have regrated not pursuing?
#10 Remember that courage can be just as satisfying as success.
I think this is often forgotten! The ultimate goal for many is usually to get the thing you want and to reach the summit.
I often see people getting to the end goal and still being dissatisfied. Now your mind is craving more, it’s craving the next success, the next summit, the next hit of dopamine.
If, on the other hand, you allow yourself to find joy in the journey rather than betting your whole happiness on the end goal, you’ll not only find the journey more enjoyable, but you are also far more likely to succeed.
Having the courage to step outside your comfort and pursue what you love or try something new and overcome your mindset blocks can bring you immense satisfaction. While also building your confidence, and your trust in yourself.
You be increasingly more likely to take bigger swings, bet on yourself, and make the most of opportunities in front of you, despite the discomfort.
#11 Walk the talk and take action.
It’s very easy to speak about your dreams or simply daydream about them. This is an important step in the equation but at best it will get you from A to F, rather than A to Z!
Action that will push things forward for real.
But here’s the problem.
When you see your goal, it probably looks like an insurmountable mountain right in front of you. That can feel extremely discouraging. It is a challenge!
But if you avoid looking up, and simply take a small step one at a time, you will eventually reach the top.
Those small steps over time will lead you to great things.