If you clarify the goal you set for yourself that will guarantee your success, here is how and why….
Setting goals and intentions for yourself is a vital part of success.
You want to understand where you are heading. Even more importantly setting goals is what will allow you to get clear on your WHY. Why you are doing what you are doing and why you want to get to the finish line.
But a vital ingredient that will foul proof your goal-setting strategy is to >>> clarify the goal <<<. If you clarify the goal, you set for yourself you will shape a clear road map of how to achieve it.
Essentially you are going from simply “this is WHAT I want to achieve” to “this is HOW I am going to achieve it”.
Do you see the difference?
Your mindset has just elevated from wishful thinking to serious taking action mode. You will feel fired up and ready to start going after that very thing you want!
If that sounds like something, you want for yourself then you have come to the right place and in this post, you will find all the actionable steps to take which will help you clarify the goal and set you up for the success you deserve!
Let’s jump in….
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What leads us to fail to attain goals?
No one wants to start the post on such a negative note as talking about the much-feared word “failing”. But often, facing these sorts of truths and being aware of them can build self-awareness in you and self-awareness is your friend. You might start to recognize some truths in this and where in life you might have got in the way of your goals.
So, what is the number one reason why people fail to attain their goals?
Well, unsurprisingly a lack of clarity is the number one reason why people fail to reach their goals! However, there are other which are also worth mentioning and many can also be related back to a lack of clarity!

1. Lack of clarity
Having clarity about your goals will help you shape a clear pathway to success because you are to develop a plan of the steps that will get you there.
When you lack clarity, on the other hand, it will be much harder for you to take action on your goals. You will most likely end up wasting a lot of time just trying to figure things out as you go along.
When there isn’t that clarity you are more likely to put things off and find it difficult to make your goals a priority.
The time between deciding what you want and actually getting there will continue expanding.
2. Lack of motivation
It’s a no-brainer that without the motivation you will not put in the required work to get to your goal.
A lack of motivation can happen for a number of reasons and finding out which one is at the core is crucial. How you deal with a lack of motivation will vary depending on the underlying reason.
So, what are those reasons?
Well, an obvious one to start with is that you do not feel passionate about achieving your goals. There is a miss alignment. Maybe you want to achieve your goal simply because of the life that it will give you. That’s nice, and there is nothing wrong with that, but if that is the sole reason it might not be enough to push you along the way. In that case, it might be that you need to reconsider your goal, and what you really want and try to find a better alignment.
Other times it could simply be that your goal is overwhelming you, you don’t even know where to begin, and therefore you are being too procrastinating. By the end of this post, if you apply the tips here you will be equipped to overcome this type of motivation lag so stick around.
3. Lack of commitment
Consistency, consistency, consistency!
You have to show up day after day and stay committed to your goal in order to achieve it. There is no getting around the fact that commitment and consistency in that commitment are needed to succeed.
When you lack commitment that consistency will be difficult to maintain. Other responsibilities will enter your life and take up your time and if you are not committed to your goal, they will soon become a priority. Your dream will keep going down the priority list until it is forgotten.
That commitment means your goal is one of your top priorities, therefore you make your schedule in a way that factors in your goal. ALWAYS! No compromises!
You might like my blog post on How to stay consistently consistent?
4. Lack of dedication
Whereas commitment is related to the act of showing up and working on your goals, dedication is more to do with the energy you show up with.
It is not enough that you do the work half-heartedly – quality is as important as quantity, and this is why dedication is also a top priority in helping you succeed.
If you show up full of passion and put your 100% into what you do, not only will you see bigger gains, but they will also happen much faster.
When you lack that kind of energy and you are doing something purely because you feel a responsibility to do it, it will suck the joy out of it. Most likely it will not be sustainable long term and will make it difficult for you to succeed in your goals.
5. Lack of accountability
Although it is nice to be dedicated, committed, and motivated enough to willingly walk (or run) towards that goal with a goal-getter attitude, still, sometimes we all need a PUSH!
When you hold some sort of accountability for your work towards a goal, it can be exactly the kind of force you need to get you over the line.
Hearing accountability sounds like you need someone else watching over you and making sure you are on track. It can help for sure. But other times, especially at the beginning of a journey you may not want to share your goals and aspirations.
Well, the good news, is you can absolutely KEEP YOURSELF ACCOUNTABLE!
Measuring your success and every small step you take towards your goal is a great way to do that. When you can visualize the progress, you are making it acts like a motivator that makes you want to keep going. Same as rewarding yourself for each milestone and celebrating even the smallest of wins.
Check out the DREAM Score Card at the end to help you along the way!

How to clarify the goal to guarantee your success.
Understand exactly what you want to achieve.
I know I keep hammering on about this and I definitely don’t want to sound repetitive, but this is such an important message to get across.
When you understand exactly what you want to achieve it is only then that you can determine HOW to get there!
Firstly, seeing that vision clearly, the goal itself, and what it will bring to your life will fill you with excitement. It will give you the encouragement to go after it and the determination to push through anything that stands in the way.
Secondly, you will begin to build a step-by-step plan on how to get there. The pathway will begin to unfold in front of you.
So how can you start to understand what you want to achieve and how that will help you clarify the goal?
Well, I am a very visual person which is why I am obsessed with creating Vision Boards on my Canva Pro account. If you want to try a free trial, click here.
When I create vision boards the goal comes to life and I love seeing it. It’s manifesting 101! Plus, if you have that creative and aesthetic streak in you, you’ll find it is lots of fun!
But of course, you don’t need to get your creative cap on and start designing. You can simply write the goals down and that is just as effective. Again, it creates that accountability and you can start to feel the dream manifesting into reality.
I have created The DREAMERS List to help you out and help you understand what you want. Check it out below.

Ensure your goals are realistic.
I really hate the idea of anyone putting any limitations on themselves because I truly think that anyone can do and achieve anything they set their mind on. If they are willing to put in the work and learn. However, this needs to be balanced.
Dreaming is nice and you can sometimes allow yourself to dream about achieving the goal and life you want, but when you are back into the reality you need to get real about how much you can do with where you currently are.
If you are one month into a business, it most likely is not reasonable to think that in a month’s time you will be making 50K a month. It does not mean you never will, but it will take time to get there. Maybe a more realistic goal is to say in a month you will make your first 100 or 1K.
A realistic goal is one that is achievable given your current mindset, motivation level, timeframe, skills, and abilities.
The danger of setting unrealistic goals is that you will find it hard to achieve them, and are far more likely to get discouraged along the way. Ambition is good but focuses on the small steps that will get you to the bigger goals. Walk before you run!
Be very specific.
Be specific about your goal and add many details to your vision. It is not enough to say, “I want to build a successful online brand”.
What is that brand, what kind of customers, do you want, what service are you providing, what problem are you solving, what colors will you use, what marketing strategy works best for your kind of business… what will your day-to-day activities look like, what lifestyle do you want, how much money do you want to be making… You get the point.
It all matters because the more specific you can get the more likely it is that you will achieve your goal.
Determine a timeline.
Have a timeline for your goal. Going back to the previous point you do want to be realistic but at the same time, you don’t want to just leave it hanging in thin air.
Having a timeline can massively help clarify the goal you have set for yourself because it gets you thinking realistically about what you will need to do to get there. And how much time those things will take.
At the same time, you want to give yourself some sort of deadline.
You might have come across the saying that the task will expand with the time you assign to it. Well, if you give yourself a month for a task, it will take you a month. When in reality you could have easily got it done in a week.
Setting timelines will help you clarify the goal and determine the time you need to get there. This will help you succeed!
Check out the DREAMERS Day Schedule that will help you plan your day-to-day goals and keep you on track with your timeline.

Check your alignment.
You want to feel energetically aligned with your goal and vision. It will absolutely change the way you show up!
The more positive you are about what you are doing the more success you will find you have.
When your goals align with you and what you truly want, it will feel less like work and a grind. You will have more days where you feel excited about what you are doing.
Finding something that sparks joy and excitement within you will help you clarify what it is that you want from life. In turn, you will set goals that are a perfect match for you and will get you closer to the dreams you have for your life.
Break down your goals.
Ok so you have set your goal, you have got very specific, you have a timeline for them…then comes the point of realizing that there is nothing left to do but to go after them and start putting the plan to action.
Suddenly you feel overwhelmed by everything you have to do because you see the massive task in front of you. You don’t even know where to begin.
This is a perfectly normal stage to be in. But how can you get out of it and move on from it?
Take the goal and literally split it into smaller chunks. Rather than simply focusing on the one big task at hand, focus on each small chunk. Treat each small part as a separate task and the overwhelm will dissipate.
You won’t even notice when all of those small chunks add up and you reach the destination.
Refine your goals.
Sometimes as you go along the path towards your goal, things might change. You might develop a new mindset, or the circumstances will change, or your visions might shift.
To make sure you stay on track and keep those goals clear you may need to make small or big adjustments to those goals.
Never be afraid to make those changes, because staying aligned to your goal is so important for your success.
If something inside you changes, don’t be afraid to redefine your goals and your visions.
This will help you keep the crystal clear and keep you on the pathway to success.
Final tip: Set SMART Goals
If you take anything from this post with you, I hope it is this final point. The SMART method is a specific method of setting goals which pretty much sums up all the other points mentioned in this post. However, it is a useful tool for you to remember because it is easy to remember and easy to apply.
The SMART method for defining goals says that goals should have the following attributes:
Specific – Make your goals specific and narrow for more effective planning.
Measurable – Define what evidence will prove you’re making progress and re-evaluate when necessary
Achievable – Make sure you can reasonably accomplish your goal within a certain time frame.
Realistic – Your goals should align with your values, skills, motivation, and abilities at a given time and with your long-term goals.
Time-bound – Set a realistic and ambitious end date for the goal so you can set the right priorities and keep up your motivation.

#1 – The DREAMS List: Identify what you want/ your vision
#2 – DREAMERS Day Schedule: schedule the tasks
#3 – DREAM Score Card: measure your success

On A Final Note.
The top tips to help you clarify your goal.
- Understand exactly what you want to achieve.
- Ensure your goals are realistic.
- Be very specific.
- Determine a timeline.
- Check your alignment.
- Break down your goals.
- Refine your goals.
- Final tip: Set SMART Goals