Wondering how to become a millionaire overnight … Well, I bet you’re not the only one because that is the dream, especially for the ambitious boss babes, hustlers, and CEO’s in the making like I am sure you are.
But let’s face it, just as overnight success is a myth so is becoming a millionaire… overnight… so why write this post in the first place?
I promise this is not clickbait and this is not one of those annoying posts that will tell you to either win the lottery, marry rich, do something illegal or buy crypto and hope for the best. No, there is an essential ingredient that you need without which your chances of reaching the milestone are slim.
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The key ingredient to becoming a millionaire overnight…

To gain this kind of wealth and more importantly to keep it long-term, you need the right mindset – the millionaire mindset.
If you want to achieve the goal of becoming a millionaire and beyond, you have to start behaving like you already are one.
It does not mean being frivolous with your spending or living in a fancy apartment and it’s nothing to do with your current net worth.
It is about opening yourself to the opportunities that will allow you to glide towards that million mark.
Developing the essential mindset, you need to become a millionaire will take some conscious effort but challenging your current mindset and applying these strategies will help you achieve it.
So, let’s dive into the tips and tricks that will help you develop a millionaire mindset
How to become a millionaire overnight?
Don’t let your financial past define your financial future.
Unfortunately, we live in a world that likes to put people in certain boxes – those who come from wealthy families will likely be wealthy and those who come from modest backgrounds will most likely end up the same…
However, your financial past or that of your family has no weight on your financial future… if you are willing to spot the mindset traps you might be entering.
You have likely adapted the money habits and money mindsets of your parents growing up but if you want your finical future to be different than that of your family, then you have to consciously challenge what you know and what is familiar.
TOP TIP: If your parents or friends or anyone else’s lives do not financially match the kind of financial life you want, then do not take financial advice from them.
Work through any money blocks.
Touching upon the last point, you also want to challenge your own financial beliefs. Whether shaped by your parents and family or your later life through your own unique experiences and influence of the people who have come into your life. If you feel any negativity or discomfort or guilt or shame when it comes to money then you might have developed a money block or blocks.
Money blocks are what will keep you broke and limit your success.
Some common money blocks you may identify in yourself:
- I can never have enough money.
- The more money I have, the happier I will be.
- I don’t deserve money.
- Money is the root of all evil.
- Wealthy people are corrupt.
- Having a lot of money makes me a bad person.
- I just want to help people. I don’t care about money.
- People won’t like me if I have a lot of money.
- Making money is hard. /I have to work hard for my money.
- I shouldn’t spend money on myself or others.
- Giving to the poor encourages laziness.
- If you have nothing, then you have nothing to lose.
TOP TIP: Unfortunately, money matters and finical education are not part of a school curriculum so unless we make the conscious effort to educate ourselves on finical matters, we are destined to absorb the money habits and beliefs from our immediate environment. Here are some top books picks to get you started:
- Rich Dad, Poor Dad
- The Millionaire Next Door
- The Intelligent Investor
- Secrets of the Millionaire Mind
Start feeling worthy of this kind of cash flow $$$.
Hello “Law of Attraction” – you will attract only what you truly desire because you will direct all your focus towards it.
If you want to truly attract the kind of cash flow that will allow you to hit that 7-figure mark then you gotta start feeling worthy of that kind of money. Because this will shift the way you present yourself to the world. You’ll begin to spot the opportunities and begin to see ideas on how you can go about hitting that mark.
TOP TIP: Whenever you start doubting your financial potential or whether you are even capable of reaching it, follow up the negative thought with a little internal mantra that disputes this for example “There is no evidence to show that I cannot achieve what I truly desire” or “I have it in me to give myself what I truly desire” or “I am worthy of nothing less than what I truly desire”.
Sounds corny but it actually works – trust me.
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Be picky with your mentors.
Don’t let your ego get in the way of choosing your mentors. Sometimes it’s human nature to surround ourselves with people who are exactly like us and in similar circumstances to us because then we do not have to enter an unpleasant comparison game – but this way you’re entering a comfort zone of sorts. You start feeling like you’re actually doing pretty well in life because you’re on the same level as “Emily”.
But if you want to make changes in your financial circumstances and reach the next milestone, then you have got to surround yourself with people, friends, or mentors, who already are on the financial level you are aiming for.
They will be a reminder of what is possible and they will enrich you with the proper habits and mindset.
Declare it.
Put it out into the world!
Make it something which is a reality for you.
Because it is one thing to think something or have a passing thought, but it takes a certain type of courage to actually speak it out loud. It does not mean you have to tell everyone in close vicinity to you, rather it’s the opposite. It’s like you are telling your future self that this will be your reality and there is no option B.
TOP TIP: Be conscious of the language you use – swap “ifs” with “when”, for example rather than saying “if I become a millionaire…” change it to “when I become a millionaire…”

Go where money is.
It does not matter how much you want something to work out – if it is not something that has the potential to generate your money then no amount of manifesting will help you to achieve your 7 figure goals.
Therefore, it is essential to shift your mind towards the ways of generating profitable money and, more importantly, not have an upper cap below your financial goals.
TOP TIP: this is one of the reasons why most people who work a 9-5 job can never reach this milestone – there is a set salary defined for each role and you have little control over the type of pay you have [even more true for us women]. Hitting 7-figure revenues will require other ways of making money.
Put the right price on it.
This also comes down to your feelings of worthiness – when it comes to making money, especially in exchange for your skills, experience, or service, it’s vital that you price accordingly.
There is no room for being modest here – if you are making a positive impact then that deserves to be financially rewarded.
TOP TIP: we live in a world that has taught us to charge by an hourly rate. But when you are wanting to start making those million, you have to make a shift to charging by the solution, the value, and the impact you are providing. Because those things are priceless to the people on the receiving end and your time should be your absolute most expensive currency.
Make thought-through decisions.
Reaching that 7-figure summit will come with an exponentially growing set of challenges and tough decisions.
There is no room for impulses, and this becomes increasingly important the further along you are.
Develop the mindset shift and the habit of taking time to think your decisions through, especially when it comes to anything which can have an impact on your finances.
It is ok to take risks but just ensure they are calculated ones.
TOP TIP: Before making an important financial decision, write down the pros and cons of it and identify the worst possible results if things do not turn out quite as planned. This will help you decide if it is worth the risk.
Stop exchanging time for money.
Get out of the thought trap that is –
“The harder I work, the more money I will make”
This is our society’s biggest scam and is typically set by the very people on the top who have people working for them.
Change the narrative to –
“the smarter I work, the more money I will make”.

And what I truly mean by working smarter is that you find a way to make money that does not rely on you having to put more time in to make more. Millionaires find ways to make money in their sleep without them having to be physically present. This is a surefire mindset shift that, if you adopt it and put it into practice, will get you closer to becoming a millionaire.
Challenge your spending habits.
Becoming a millionaire is not only about reaching a million milestones, once you reach it you also have to keep the money or make more of it. This is where your spending habits come into play.
What sets women who reach the million mark apart from those who do not, is that they are conscious spenders. In most cases rather than enjoying their newfound wealth they straight away find ways to use it to make more money rather than spending it on a whim. That’s not to say you cannot treat yourself because for sure you would have worked hard to reach your $$$ goal, but remain mindful.
This ensures that they can securely stay at the top.
Think in terms of abundance, not scarcity.
Make the switch from a scarcity to an abundance mindset.
This means that you start believing that there is enough wealth in the world for you also to experience it.
When you are primed to think in terms of scarcity i.e., there are only limited financial resources, and only a few lucky ones can achieve this kind of wealth, then you are priming your mind to believe that there is no point in even trying.
Your motivation to work towards the goal will diminish.
Start telling yourself from today that the price is here waiting, but you have to believe that it exists for you first.
Have a plan and stop relying on luck.
No goal is reachable without some sort of plan in place.
You do not want to be relying on luck, you want to take matters into your own hands. This gives you more control and room for maneuver.
Research and plan out strategies that could help you reach the financial goals you wish to reach.
Make everything you do intentionally.
Make it your life’s mission.
This is all about alignment.
If it becomes your mission in life to reach this goal you are essentially adding the fuel you need to go after it.
It means you are so laser-focused on achieving your goal that you are willing to stop at nothing to get there. Your motivation will be through the roof and every decision in your life will also have to be filtered through with this goal in mind.
Investing in continual personal growth.
Achieving a million milestones is amazing but it is worth nothing if you do not grow into a better version of yourself.
Make it a habit that you will invest in your personal growth continually.
Heading towards this kind of money abundance is a feat and it can either change you for the better or worse. Make it a conscious habit of choosing to become better as a result.

Become a lifelong learner.
Reaching far-reaching goals like achieving 1M is not something you can do by staying in the exact same spot. It will take a lot of trial and error and a lot of re-adjustment based on past mistakes.
To help make the journey that little less bumpy ensure you become a lifelong learner. Invest time and energy in expanding your knowledge on anything that can benefit you in reaching the goal and ensure that you take the right conclusions from your past mistakes or failures.
This kind of mindset can also ease the pain of any failures along the way and help you move past them quickly because you will find it easier to forgive yourself and see it as a life lesson rather than giving up.
On a final note.
Here is a quickfire reminder of all the ways to become a millionaire overnight:
- Don’t let your financial past define your financial future.
- Work through any money blocks.
- Start feeling worthy of this kind of cash flow $$$.
- Be picky with your mentors.
- Declare it.
- Go where money is.
- Put the right price on it.
- Make thought-through decisions.
- Stop exchanging time for money.
- Challenge your spending habits.
- Think in terms of abundance, not scarcity.
- Have a plan and stop relying on luck.
- Make it your life’s mission.
- Investing in continual personal growth.
- Become a lifelong learner.