Wherever you go, whatever social media platform you use…someone will post, speak or vouch for affirmations. They are quickly becoming the go-to tool that many successful people swear by their use and attribute their success to their use. Affirmations can literally be life-changing.
So, what exactly are they, and why are they so powerful?
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What is an affirmation?
Thoughts have a significant impact on your mind.
The purpose of affirmations is to challenge a person’s negative perceptions about themselves by focusing on relevant positive thoughts.
Affirmations, in essence, are positive statements or declarations that are intended to change your thinking patterns into more uplifting and positive ones. These statements affirm things you want to be true, or they can be things you want to bring into your life. If repeated enough they can become your default way of how you perceive yourself or a situation.
They are usually present tense and can be used to increase motivation, improve your self-worth, for empowerment, or overall self-improvement.
Why do they work so well?
Because positive thoughts will generally lead to a positive mind and positive behaviors. Negative thoughts will lead to a negative mind and negative behaviors.
Positive, empowering affirmations will help you build a powerful mindset for success.
How do affirmations work?
Affirmation reprograms the mind.
Neuroplasticity refers to the brain’s ability to reprogram, rewire and evolve depending on your experiences throughout life.
Affirmations tap into this neuroplasticity capability of your brain because if repeated enough, they can become integrated into your brain’s neural networks, often overriding the previous negative perceptions you held. When you create a mental image of yourself doing something, it activates many of the same brain areas that experiencing these situations would.
The more you repeat them the more likely that they become integrated into new brain networks and thought patterns.
They influence the subconscious mind, reshaping your negative perceptions, harmful belief, and attitudes that are often self-sabotaging.
They require a lot of consistency.
What makes a powerful affirmation?
the 3 P’s of an affirmation

The 3 P’s of affirmations refer to the 3 elements that make affirmations effective:
PERSONAL: your affirmations should be as personalized to your individual circumstances as possible. In order for them to work they have to be believable. If you are just starting out a business, saying to yourself that in one month you’ll be a millionaire is probably not realistic. What you can say is “I am capable of working towards becoming a millionaire”.
POSITIVE: affirmation should always be positive as you. You need to use a positive word or phrase in your affirmation.
PRESENT TENSE: affirmations should be stated as if they are already true because this makes it more likely for you to internalize them and rewire your brain. It will also help to keep you more motivated, encouraged, and confident about executing your goals.
My advice is to make your affirmations believable and positive.
Why affirmations are important for entrepreneurs?
Entrepreneurship is not easy, it’ll be really really hard, and you will feel down, broken, wanting to give up and more, throughout your journey.
If it was easy everyone would do it.
Being a business owner is not for the unicorns of the world. There is not something inherently special about entrepreneurs, they are not more gifted than me and you.
However, they do have one thing – self-belief that they can and will.
Your daily thoughts can impact the level of success you attain in your business.
Affirmations can help you in several ways:
- They can empower you.
- Help you stay optimistic.
- Help you achieve your goal.
- Help you overcome difficulties.
100 growth mindset affirmations for success
You can use these affirmations as inspiration, but don’t be afraid to edit them and make them as personal to you as possible. Remember the 3 P’s.
- I am smart, I am successful and I’m super savvy in my business.
- I am confident in my abilities.
- I let go of limiting beliefs and choose to trust myself.
- I believe in my abilities and express my true self with ease.
- All I need to succeed is within me.
- I do not need validation from others.
- I release negative self-talk.
- I accept compliments from others.
- My happiness and well-being are important.
- I can confidently walk into the next chapter of my life.

- I am worthy of financial security.
- I am financially secure.
- I am working towards having multiple streams of income.
- I am deserving of the money.
- I am one step closer to meeting my financial goals.
- Every dollar I invest multiplies.
- Money comes easily to me.
- I am building wealth for myself and my family.
- I make money and I’m helping others make money.
- I am open to receiving more money.
- My sacrifices are leading to prosperity.
- I am disciplined.
- I am motivated.
- I am stronger than my fears.
- I am unstoppable.
- There are no failures, only setbacks.
- I put constant effort into my business.
- My efforts mean my success is inevitable.
- Even when I feel discouraged, I keep going.
- I can accomplish anything if I persevere.
- I am releasing self-doubt to make room for growth.
- I am doing my absolute best and that’s more than enough.
- I am stepping out of my comfort zone.
- I believe in myself and my ability to succeed.
- I can express my true self.
- I let go of my insecurities.
- I deserve to feel good about myself.
- I can embrace my flaws and imperfections.
- I am a valuable person who deserves to be treated with respect.
- I know I don’t have to be perfect to be whole.

- I can make tough decisions.
- The challenges in my business energize me.
- I am in control of my thoughts, and I choose to think positively.
- It is not a failure; it is a lesson that will help me to grow.
- I do not worry about things I cannot control.
- My failures have made me a better entrepreneur.
- I am in control of my emotions.
- I can leave my comfort zone.
- I am not afraid of taking risks.
- I trust my gut feeling.
- I am grateful for what I have now and what I will receive later on in life.
- I am grateful for everything I am receiving daily.
- I am grateful for all the success I have had so far.
- I am grateful for my intuition guiding me.
- I am grateful for all the amazing people in my life.
- There is so much to appreciate in my life.
- I am grateful for all the challenges as they allowed me to grow.
- I am thankful for my opportunity to learn and continually improve.
- I appreciate my strength and resilience.
- I recognize my blessings no matter how small.

- My energy attracts my ideal customers and clients.
- I am unique and this is my superpower.
- I will always be my authentic self.
- I exude and attract positive energy.
- My business provides value to my clients.
- I am passionate about helping others.
- My business is an opportunity to make a positive impact.
- I radiate confidence and people around me can feel it.
- I believe in my abilities and express my true self with ease
- I attract wonderful people into my life.
- I am grateful for the opportunity to be my own boss.
- I get to turn my expertise into abundant income.
- My business allows me to spend more time on things I love.
- I no longer have to exchange time for money.
- I am building a life that will give me financial, time, and location freedom.
- I determine how I want to spend my days.
- I have the freedom to build the life I love.
- I am free of money worries.
- I am free to live life fully.
- I am free to live my life on my own terms.
- I will work intently towards my goals.
- I constantly achieve my business goals.
- Every day I am getting closer to reaching my goal.
- I am clear about my goals and I know I will accomplish them.
- I know I am making the right choices in life.
- I smash all my goals with ease.
- I can accomplish everything I set my mind to.
- I easily take action toward my goals.
- I am committed to my goals.
- I am strong and determined.

- I will honor my dreams and remind myself that I deserve happiness, success, and the lifestyle I want.
- I am creating the life I deserve.
- I am building a life I love.
- Being an entrepreneur is a natural path for me.
- I refuse to give up on my dream.
- I can do it!
- I am living my dream.
- I create my destiny.
- I have a thriving business.
- I believe in my abilities and express my true self with ease