Are you settling for a life you do not truly love? Do you get this feeling that you are not living up to your full potential? Do you feel unfulfilled in one or more areas of your life? Do you keep wondering how you can make a change and create a life you love?
If your answer is YES to any of those questions, it might be time to do a full-on life audit!
There are so many people who seem to be settling for a life they do not truly love. They come up with millions of excuses for WHY they cannot make the necessary shifts in life to create a life they actually love. But rarely do they take action on those thoughts.
But what if you could change all that?
Here I wanted to give you the 11 proven strategies that will help you create joy, fulfillment, safety, a sense of security, and abundance in your life. These are the TOP TIPS to help you wake up in the morning with a sense of calm and excitement about the day ahead.
Learn how to can start to create a life you love!
Imagine waking up in the morning with a sense of calm and excitement about the day ahead.
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How to create a life you love with these proven strategies
Your life will elevate when you step up and understand your value and worth in the world.
Your self-perception of YOU affects everything in your life. It may not seem like it at first glance but trust me that if you work to ELEVATE your perception of your value and your sense of self-worth, everything else in your life will elevate.
When you feel VALUABLE you will project that into the world. In turn, you attract that back.
If you know your worth, you put that into the world around you, people will see it, and treat you with respect. Knowing your worth means you will show up confidently and people will not question your abilities or your value. Opportunities will come your way and you will feel worthy of accepting them. This will help you get ahead.
When you know your worth, you seek and attract more valuable and worthy partners.
You don’t settle for anything in life because you understand you are worthy of so much more.
If you feel this is an area you might need to work on, that’s perfectly normal. We can all always improve, and this is a journey. There are plenty of books you can read to get you started and I recommend following some awesome and inspiring social media accounts which will empower you.
Remember never settle – you are worthy!
I am all for living in the moment but at the same time, if you want more out of life you need a VISION.
But what exactly do we mean by creating a vision for your life?
Everyone has different goals and dreams for the future and what they would like their life to look like. Creating a vision for your life means you are getting clear on what that is for you! It means you know how you want every area of your life to look in order to bring you the most joy and fulfillment. It means understanding what you need in each area of your life to be happy and content!
Why does creating a vision help?
Because getting clear on your vision will help you create a path that feels the most fulfilling to you and can help you achieve all that you have envisioned for yourself.
By creating a vision for your life, you are in a way CLAIMING IT! It starts to feel real and fuels you with the momentum you need to go after it!
You can use Canva Pro to create a vision board for your life.

If you are completely new to manifesting, I recommend reading my post – “Manifesting – How to get the dream life you deserve?”
Manifesting means intentionally creating what you want. It is the practice of thinking aspirational thoughts with the purpose of making them real. Everyone has the ability to manifest anything they desire – wealth, optimum health, love, houses, cars, peace of mind…
Manifesting works because it brings into focus what you really want. When you bring into focus what you want, it will be on your mind…constantly. If it is constantly on your mind, you have no choice but to act on those desires.
This is why manifesting is so powerful. It is not some magical tactic. It simply allows you to bring your focus to what matters and by doing that you will align every decision you make to that desire. You will be in ACTION MODE!
When you take action towards it, step-by-step, it will with time come to fruition.

Talking about money can be uncomfortable. There is still this perception and association that money is somehow the source of all evil in the world and it is time to change this narrative.
Money is important! Whether we like it or not!
No money itself will not bring you happiness but it does affect other things in your life that do.
There is no denying that a LACK of MONEY is a one-way road to MISERY!
This is why being uncomfortable about money and adopting the attitude that money is not important is DAMAGING. You are subconsciously programming yourself to not create money abundance in your life. You will not align your choice in life to ones that bring you financial stability. You will not feel worthy of having money.
Money will not make you a bad person – money only ever brings out the characteristics that are already within people. If you are a modest and humble person, you will not use the money to gain and abuse power, unless those characteristics are within you already.
Here are some reasons why money is important and how it can help you create the life you love:
- Money gives you the power to pursue your dreams.
- When you have enough money, you can live where you want, take care of your needs, and indulge in your hobbies.
- Money gives you security.
- Money frees you from working to survive
- Money pays for more life experiences
- Money reduces financial stress
- Money is necessary because it will give you financial independence. From your partner, your job, and anything you simply don’t want to do.
- Money is important because it gives you choices. You have the freedom to stop working a job you don’t like, you have the freedom to go traveling wherever you want, and you have the freedom to make all the choices you want.
- Money is important because it gives you an education.
- Money allows you to pay for a healthier lifestyle.
So how exactly can you create a life of financial stability and money abundance?

Change your money mindset:
Start believing that you are worthy of financial stability. Stop putting limits on yourself. Rewrite your money story and know that just because your family has previously struggled does not mean you have to. Start believing that wealth is very much possible for you. When you change your money mindset you will start making decisions that can help you create more money abundance.
Go where money is:
The only way to make money is to go where money is. It means taking the steps to create a path in your life that will offer the possibility now or in the future to make more money. I don’t want to overlook how difficult that can be, but at the same time understanding, this can help to take some control.
Have many sources of income:
Today’s economies are volatile. Nothing is certain and nothing should be taken for granted. Job security is not the best, which is why having multiple sources of income can give you headspace and a cushion of safety. It can give you a certain sense of financial control over your life. When one source of income is lost you will not feel like you are doomed as you have a little something to fall back on. It can also help you save more for those uncertain times
Stop exchanging your time for money:
The truest meaning of wealth is when you can make money without having to do that in exchange for your time. You do not have to be present for 8 hours a day to make a comfortable living. Rich people work for money. Wealthy people have money to work for them. This means things like investing in stocks or index funds or properties. The money will be generated in your sleep without you having to work. Or it could mean opening a business that makes you money in the background and can be scaled without you having to put in more time to get more out of it.
Life is amazing but it can also be cruel. Like anyone, you will probably face some difficult moments in your life and life will throw plenty of curveballs your way.
This is why developing RESILIENCE is so vital.
Being resilient does not mean you never allow yourself to feel low or sad or break down. It’s the opposite.
Resilience means you face the reality of what life brings your way, not hide the difficulty. You work through the pains of life. Growing through those pains is what will allow you to develop your strength. It will make the next challenges that little bit easier to bear.
When you have resilience, you are less likely to find yourself in a position where you will allow the lows of life completely to kick you down!
You might like my post on how to become more resilient.

Independence is all about understanding that you can give yourself everything you want.
Know that you can give yourself everything you want!
It does not mean you can’t look to other people for support, and it does not mean you have to have a “Thanks but I can do it myself attitude”. We all want people in our lives. It’s what allows us to build meaningful relationships, closeness and intimacy.
However, when you have independence, you do not have to rely on other people for anything. When you are independent you can provide for yourself, emotionally, financially, or for your self-worth, etc. This means that you only attract the people you want in your life, not the people your life relies on.
It allows you to avoid finding yourself in toxic relationships. You take control of who has access to you, and you can easily let go of anyone who abuses your trust.
As people, we do have this need for connection and closeness, and we seek it. But it only really works if it is with the right kind of people. The right tribe.
So how do you know when a relationship romantic or not is RIGHT?
Well, simply put, the right people in your life will help you grow into the best version of yourself. They will help you achieve everything you strive for and they will be a source of joy in your life.
The right people do have the ability to ELEVATE you into your most amazing self.
These are the people you want to keep close to your heart and these are the relationships you should treasure deeply. They are based on trust and mutual respect.
If any relationship in your life does not offer that, it might be time to re-consider it and set some boundaries t to protect yourself.
I say find work you don’t hate because I think that is far more realistic than finding work you love. It doesn’t matter what you do, there will be tough days. Even in your dream job/work.
But you want to shift the scale in favor of more passion and enthusiasm, than dread and unhappiness.
When you find something in your life that brings you joy most day, where you do not have to wake up in the morning with a sense of dread every day.
What is a happy place?
Simply put:
>> Happiness is where you are right now or nowhere at all <<
I bet you know someone in your life who has so much to be grateful for. The job, the money, the house, the partner, the kids, the success…everything they could ever ask for.
Yet, despite all that, they never seem happy or satisfied.
I call it chronic dissatisfaction.
It does not start because of a lack of things in a person’s life. It starts because of the person’s negative outlook. They could have everything in the world and still be dissatisfied.
Here I just wanted to illustrate that, it is ok to want more out of life. However, just because your life is not where you want it to be it does not mean you don’t have plenty of things to be happy about. If you are constantly chasing the next best thing because you think that only then you will be TRULY HAPPY, then I am sorry to say you will never find happiness.

To help with finding happiness in your life, there is no better way than through gratitude. Being grateful for what you have is such a powerful technique to incorporate into your daily life.
Too often people focus on the problems in their lives or focus on all the things they do not yet have or have not yet achieved. It is sort of a brain’s default setting.
But gratitude changes that because it shifts your focus onto all the things you DO have in your life Which is very easy to forget.
Yes, you might want to earn more money but just remember that three months ago, you weren’t making any money at all.
It is all about perspective. When you live in scarcity mode and always want more and more, you will never find peace and you will never feel content with your life.
Having a plan for what you want to achieve in life is a great way to keep you on track. When you have a plan, you can work out the necessary steps to get to the goals you want. It allows you to determine the steps or resources needed to get there.
Having a plan help to keep you accountable and prepare so that you fully understand where you are heading and how to get there.
On A Final Note.
I hope that you feel somewhat empowered and have the right tools to help you start to create a life you love. Because you absolutely deserve to have a life you love. Here is a list of the proven strategies you can incorporate that will help you along the way:
- Know your value – know your worth.
- Create a vision for your life.
- Manifesting actually works.
- Create financial stability and money abundance.
- Develop resilience.
- Develop independence.
- Nurture the right relationships.
- Find work you don’t hate.
- Find your happy place.
- Practice gratitude.
- Create a plan.